General Assembly 30/10/2021

JDFA General Assembly briefs

The General Assembly of the Jordanian Dutch Friendship Association met at the Orthodox Club on 30/10/2021 evening after a period of recession due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

President H.E. Dr. Samir Mutawi  announced the availability of quorum and started the meeting  welcoming the attendees. He then gave the floor to the Executive Honorary Secretary, Mr. Aref Al-Aref, to present the administrative report. In succession, Dr. Mutawi, moved to election of an auditor for the Association accounts for the year ending on 31/12/2021 for which Mr. Michel Fasheh was elected and seconded by the attendance unanimously. Mr. Fasheh presented the  financial report for the years 2019 and 2020. The attendance voted their acceptance and the release of the Board.

On behalf of the Association, Mr. Aref Al-Aref presented a shield to Mr. Fasheh for his valuable continued support in auditing the Associations accounts at no cost.

Dr. Mutawi, that due to the end of term for old board it was time to elect the new board for the next three years, and suggested that the same board should continue due to the harmony between members that would reflect positively on the Association’s activities. He also suggested the addition of Dr. Khaled Awdat and Mr. Khalid Farrah to replace ex-board members, Ihsan Farrah and Osama Al-Shahed, that the Association lost over during the pandemic period. The attendance voiced their acceptance and the new board was announced as follows:

  • E. Dr. Samir Mutawi
  • Zuhair Jweihan
  • Aref Al-Aref
  • Attorney Fadi Hashem
  • Ambassador Mohammad Al-Khalidi
  • Nadia Jouhari
  • Theodora Sheers
  • Khaled Awdat
  • Khalid Farrah

Since there were no comments from the audience, the meeting was adjourned and was followed by the Association’s annual dinner.